Marc Garrett
Chief Strategy Officer

Marc is a MITX award-winning solutions architect.
Prior to joining Intridea, Marc was Vice President of Interactive Development at Bridgeline Digital. Marc has developed web solutions for the National Children's Museum, the Washington Redskins, Hooked on Phonics, and Congressional Quarterly.
The author and editor of numerous programming titles, Marc was also instrumental in architecting the Maine Learning Technology Initiative, a program that distributed Apple laptops to every seventh grade student in the state of Maine. Marc holds a Juris Doctor from American University, Washington College of Law, and a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Georgia. He has worked in New York, Washington DC, and Singapore.
Marc recaptures nine days of his life every single year by working for Intridea:
Marc Garrett's Blog Posts
- Intridea joins team Mobomo
- Goodbye Google Glass
- Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- How to Say You're Sorry
- Google Glass Hello World
- Switch Workshop: Progress Making Forces
- Introducing REBIN
- Introducing Yourtime.Intridea
- Intridea Alumni - An Exclusive Interview with Founder Dingding Ye
- Intridea Incubated Divshot joins Launchpad LA Accelerator