Michael Bleigh

Michael has been with Intridea since 2007 and works to build Intridea's portfolio of products. With many years of experience working as both a designer and a developer, Michael specializes in helping to bridge the gap between the back-end development and the front-end design of a project.
Michael is a prolific member of the Ruby on Rails community, having released popular open source libraries such as OmniAuth and spoken at conferences including RailsConf and RubyConf.
Michael Bleigh's Blog Posts
- AngularJS 2.0: Crazy Like A Fox?
- Polymer 0.8 Sneak Peek
- Let's Kill Semantic HTML
- Polymer Features You May Have Missed
- Every Web App is (at least) Two Applications
- Web Components, a Crash Course
- Polymer Application Structure Tips
- Get Moving with Angular 1.2 and Animate CSS
- Mourning Mozilla Persona
- Static Web Rising
- JSON Web Token: The Useful Little Standard You Haven't Heard About
- Remote teams aren't a perk or a fad, they're the future of work
- Requiring directories in Ruby, Node-style
- Building Modular, Scalable Web Apps? Of CORS!
- The Problem with PaaS
- Signed Idempotent Action Links
- Five Tips for Hackathon Participants
- Lessons Learned: Natively Compiling Tidy HTML for Heroku
- Polishing Rubies (Part 4): Writing Library Code
- Polishing Rubies (Part 3): Tools for Testing
- Polishing Rubies (Part 2): Creating A Gem
- Polishing Rubies: A Guide to Ruby Open Source Development (Part 1)
- Imbue: A Module Configuration Pattern for Ruby
- Using Anonymous Classes and Modules in Ruby
- DynamoDB for Ruby Developers
- We Stand With The Internet
- Announcing OmniAuth BrowserID
- Implementing DRY Magic Methods in Ruby
- OmniAuth 1.0: Auth for All
- Hire a Guard for Your Project
- Sketch.js: HTML5 Canvas Sketchpads for Whyday
- What's Wrong With Patents? It's Obvious.
- Ruby Thankful
- 10 Tips For Open Source Citizens
- Setting Up a Ruby Development Machine From Scratch With OS X Lion
- What if Rails Isn't For Beginners Anymore?
- Conversations: The Controller Setter Pattern
- RailsConf To Go: OmniAuth from the Ground Up
- I Heart SASS, But HAML, I'm Just Not That In To You
- You Should Be An Open Source Developer
- Why Open Source Company Culture is Important
- Easy IP Geotargeting with Geokit and MongoMapper
- RailsWizard Reimagined
- Always Be Releasing
- Announcing SparkBin - Private Beta
- Use lambdas for Rails 3 Route Constraints
- Fun With jQuery Deferred
- Easy Rails Admin Login with Google Apps and OmniAuth
- Is Copyleft Really Right for Open Source?
- OmniAuth: Flexible, Unassuming Multi-Provider Authentication for Rack
- A Web Developer Goes Native (with Android)
- Using NPM with Heroku Node.js
- Talkin' About Upgrading to Rails 3
- A To-Go Plate of Ruby Midwest
- On Android and Custom UIs
- MultiJSON: The swappable JSON handler
- AuthButtons: Free and Open-Source Web Logo Icons
- REST isn't what you think it is, and that's OK
- The Future's Pretty Cool, or Why I Love Ruby
- Facebook is the Private Beta of the Semantic Web
- OAuth2 Gem: Just in Time For Facebook's Graph
- Rack Middleware and Rack Applications: What's the Difference?
- Ruby Quick Tip: Instant Utility Modules
- Toggle CSS3 Bookmarklet
- Persistence Smoothie: Blending NoSQL and SQL at Confoo
- Ruby Quick Tip: Regular Expressions in Case Statements
- Hashie Gains a Chainable Hash
- Skeet: A Twitter Client for Chrome
- Redfinger: A Ruby WebFinger Gem
- Simple Mustache JSON Serialization
- Hashie: The Hash Toolkit
- Quick Tip: Readable Conditional Validations in Rails
- Presently Adds SharePoint Integration
- TweetStream: Ruby Access to the Twitter Streaming API
- CouchDB-Lucene, CouchDBX, and CouchRest
- Good Idea, Bad Idea: Thingivore's Rails Rumble Post-Mortem
- Quick Tip: Railsy Array Checks in jQuery
- Present.ly Wins WebWare 100 Editors' Choice Award!
- Make it so with RSpec Macros
- RailsConf 2009: Twitter on Rails
- TwitterAuth Supports 'Sign in with Twitter'
- Present.ly Adds LDAP Authentication
- Rails Template: Create a Twitter Application in Seconds
- Present.ly is a WebWare 100 Finalist!
- Using Git Submodules for Shared Rails Components
- TwitterAuth: For Near-Instant Twitter Apps
- Quick Tip: URL Validation in Rails
- Utilize Canonical URLs in Your Rails Applications
- It's No Joke: Real Time Search is a BIG DEAL
- SASS: The Better, More Powerful CSS
- The Case For Web Applications
- HasAvatar: Defining an Application Vocabulary
- Twitter Search Plus: Find Replies Inline with Twitter Search
- Sort Your Files By Date
- The Importance of External Downtime Resources
- 48 hours, 12 developers, 3 applications - Intridea at the Rails Rumble
- Hacking the Mid-End (Great Lakes Ruby Bash Edition)
- Present.ly Launches
- Congratulations, Yammer, But Get Ready To Rumble!
- RailsConf Europe 2008: Hacking the Mid-End
- Colorist: Color Manipulation For WebHeads
- Fetches: Bringing Your ActionController its Slippers
- Using HTTP Status Codes for Rails AJAX Error Handling
- UberKit Update: UberForms To Ease Form Building
- UberKit: Building A Rails UI Swiss-Army Knife
- What the World Needs Now is CSS3
- Tracking Your Brand With Summize
- Using RSpec and Autotest While Writing Rails Plugins
- SubdomainFu: A New Way To Tame The Subdomain
- GemPlugins: A Brief Introduction to the Future of Rails Plugins
- Acts As Taggable On Grows Up
- Acts As Community: The Social Network for Rubyists
- From Param: How URL-Based Fetching Ought to Be
- Seed Fu: Simple Seed Data for Rails
- Mash - Mocking Hash for total poser objects
- Google App Engine: Rise of the Hobbyist?
- Ruby-GitHub: Simple Access to the GitHub API
- GitHub-Unfuddle Bridge: A Reese's Moment
- The Importance of Aesthetics
- Acts as Readable - Drop-in 'mark as read' functionality
- Codebite: Generic "New Today" for Rails Records
- ActiveRecord::Base.create_or_update on Steroids
- Needy Controllers - DRYing Stylesheets, Scripts, and Fetching
- When You Absolutely Have To: Rails Development in Windows
- Announcing 'Princely' - Rails Prince XML PDF Wrapper
- Faking 'onpaste' in Firefox
- Announcing 'Browserized Styles'
- Announcing 'acts_as_taggable_on'
- Use 'link_to_remote' unobtrusively
- DRYing markup using block-accepting helpers
- Custom Paths in attachment_fu
- Setting up a virtualized Rails development environment